About the project

  • To strengthen the collaboration of the CEE professional associations in the field of career guidance and education
  • To compare activities that address common needs and priorities of the involved associations and their members, identify best practices, leading to an increase in the quality of services provided
  • Enable transformation and change leading to improvements in the functioning of professional associations by fostering the transfer of best practices among associations.
  • Contribute to internationalisation strategies of participating organisations through identification of mobility opportunities
  • Create a sustainable platform for exchanging best practices and fostering dialogue among professionals from the involved countries
  • Guidelines and a repository of good practices of professional associations in the field of career guidance (covering formal organisation and management, relations with members, training and professional development, quality assurance, promotion of career guidance, access to career guidance, relations with policy makers and stakeholders…)
  • A comparative study of existing professional guidelines in career guidance
  • Action plans for the national associations with concrete steps for the transfer of a selected good practices
  • Learning events promoting the exchange of good practices between professionals and stakeholders from the participating countries covering all sectors of career guidance provision in VET sector and different sectors of guidance
  • Sensitisation workshops with stakeholders about quality assurance and the role of civic association in the lifelong guidance systems – A sustainable formal platform for the continuation of the activity (“Central and Eastern European Associations’ Guidance Forum”) and a strategy for involvement of other associations from the region